Washington: The independence day of the United States of America is marked on July 4 every year. It is popularly known for its date hence called the 'fourth of July' commonly. The day marks the Independence of the USA as on July 4, 1776, the thirteen colonies of Great Britain had declared themselves independent from colonial rule.


Since then, the day is celebrated with huge fireworks, parades, carnivals, and fairs.  

On the occasion, Swami Vivekananda, one of the greatest Indian Hindu monks, on his visit to the US on July 4, 1898, had written a heart-touching poem ' To the Fouth of July'. It had marked a momentous day for the country.

To the fourth of July

Behold, the dark clouds melt away,
That gathered thick at night, and hung
So like a gloomy pall above the earth!
Before thy magic touch, the world
Awakes. The birds in chorus sing.
The flowers raise their star-like crowns—
Dew-set, and wave thee welcome fair.
The lakes are opening wide in love
Their hundred thousand lotus-eyes
To welcome thee, with all their depth.
All hail to thee, thou Lord of Light!
A welcome new to thee, today,
O Sun! Today thou sheddest Liberty!
Bethink thee how the world did wait,
And search for thee, through time and clime.
Some gave up home and love of friends,
And went in quest of thee, self-banished,
Through dreary oceans, through primeval forests,
Each step a struggle for their life or death;
Then came the day when work bore fruit,
And worship, love, and sacrifice,
Fulfilled, accepted, and complete.
Then thou, propitious, rose to shed
The light of Freedom on mankind.
Move on, O Lord, in thy resistless path!
Till thy high noon o'erspreads the world.
Till every land reflects thy light,
Till men and women, with uplifted head,
Behold their shackles broken, and
Know, in springing joy, their life renewed!

This year, July 4 will mark the 245th anniversary of the independence of the USA. In a normal situation without the COVID-19 pandemic, the event would have been celebrated with a splendid display of fireworks, carnivals and fairs, roads filled with citizens.   

The fireworks are an important part of the celebration and there is a reason behind that. The significance of the fireworks lies in a letter written by one of the founding fathers of the USA, John Adams. He wrote to his wife Abigail that July 4 must be celebrated with 'Pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illumination from one end of this continent to the other from this time forward  forevermore.' 

George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Jay were the group of seven key leaders who led the US war for independence and played a major role in uniting the thirteen colonies.

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