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When this pup came to know she's being abandoned (guaranteed to tug at the heartstrings) - Watch

Electra was abandoned by her owners at the Inland Valley Humane Society in Pomona, California, on May 17.

When this pup came to know she's being abandoned (guaranteed to tug at the heartstrings) - Watch Pic courtesy: Facebook

California: This may be one of the saddest dog faces you have ever seen. But now her story has a happy ending.

A video of the pit bull-mix named Electra on Facebook broke the Internet some time ago. The footage showed the painful moment when the four-year-old realised she was being dumped by her owners.

Thank goodness, she has found a new family.

Electra was abandoned by her owners at the Inland Valley Humane Society in Pomona, California, on May 17.

She was then put up for adoption.

The dog has found a happy home in San Diego.

Watch the video:

Tiffany Tan, who runs dog shelter JL Animal Rescue in California, matched up the pooch with a loving family.

“This dog, you will not believe this dog now,” she told

“She’s a single mum and she has a daughter that’s sixteen.”

Tan said there is still a chance Electra won’t forget her traumatic experience. “But once they’re secure in their environment, they adapt to it and it’s OK.”

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