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Why Pakistan is jittery about any US offensive against Taliban in Afghanistan

Pakistan believes instead of direct talks, a strong offensive against Taliban by the US would lead to the terrorist outfit in Afghanistan resorting to consolidation on its borders.

Pakistan has reportedly warned the United States against mounting a strong offensive against Taliban in Afghanistan, stating that anything that less than complete success would lead to the terrorist outfit making strongholds in the mountainous regions along the border with Pakistan.

Quoting diplomatic sources in the country, Pakistani newspaper Dawn reported that the Islamabad fears failure to strike a deadly blow to Taliban would lead to a complete crumbling of any chances of talks. Urging that the first line of action should be talks rather than attack, authorities here have learned to have told their counterparts in Washington to strongly re-think a proposed plan of two-pronged military offensive.

The US in recent months has accused Pakistan of not acting against home-grown terror outfits. The two countries previously have been allies in the war on terror in the region but the Donald Trump administration has charged Pakistan for its 'lies and deceit.'

Relations between the two nations have soured with the Americans warning that if Pakistan does not act, the US will do so unilaterally - prompting Pakistani officials to issue terse statements. 

Pakistan is also jittery about the US asking India to play a more active role in Afghanistan although New Delhi has made it clear its work here would not involve its armed forces. Nonetheless, Pakistan sees no merit in any Indian role in Afghanistan at all. "We don't foresee any political or military role for India in Afghanistan," Pakistan Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi had said recently. "I think it will just complicate the situation and it will not resolve anything. So if they want to do economic assistance, that's their prerogative, but we don't accept or see any role politically or militarily for India in Afghanistan."

Meanwhile, it is Pakistan that continues to play the victim card and has repeatedly said the fight against terrorism has taken a toll on its people and forces.

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