New Delhi: BJP president Vijay Goel on Saturday accused the Congress of running a personal campaign against Narendra Modi by circulating pamphlets against the Gujarat leader before his election rally here.
Stating the pamphlets targeting Modi, which were inserted in today`s newspapers, were highly deplorable, he said that it reflected Congress` "frustration" at the growing popularity of Modi. "Congress knows that it has lost political ground in Delhi and elsewhere. So it has stooped to a new low in electoral politics by trying to tarnish image of Modi," he said.
"The fact that Congress and Aam Aadmi Party have resorted to similar smear campaigns against BJP leaders is another proof that they are hand in glove. But, they must remember that spreading false personal propaganda against their political opponents is not good for democracy and electoral politics," he said at the rally at Dwarka. Delhi has maintained a standard of electoral politics over the years but Congress and AAP have broken all norms of decency in "desperation", Goel said.
Pointing out the failure of the Congress government, Goel said that Dwarka sub-city has acute shortage of water supply as the Congress government has paid no attention to the pressing demands of the people.
In the last 15 years of its "misrule", the Congress has only managed to deliver unprecedented rise in prices, acute water and power problems, corruption in the rank and file of government and a highly unsafe Delhi for women, he said.
Goel said his party will be organising a series of public rallies to be addressed by Modi on November 30 and December 1.