Columbia: Donald Trump's son-in-law and top aide, Jared Kushner, has been registered to vote as a woman for eight years, US media reported.


Voter information records held by New York show the presidential adviser -- whose portfolio includes everything from seeking peace in the Middle East to reining in the opioid crisis in the United States -- was registered as "female."

The screenshot, published by Wired, is not the first time the young statesman has fallen foul of bureaucracy.

Kushner, who is married to Trump`s daughter Ivanka, also filled out paperwork for his White House security clearance wrongly and had to refile it repeatedly, CBS reported.

Prior to 2009, Kushner`s New Jersey voter registration noted his gender as "unknown," according to The Hill news site.

Kushner, the scion of a wealthy property-owning family, is one of a number of Trump`s inner circle previously found to have been registered to vote in more than one state during last year`s election, the Washington Post has reported.

Others include ex-White House press secretary Sean Spicer and ex-lead strategist Stephen Bannon.

Multiple registrations were pointed to by the president as a sign of purported widespread voter fraud in the 2016 election. Trump said millions of people illegally cast votes for Hillary Clinton but has never substantiated his claim.

Kushner -- a person of interest in the ongoing probe into Russian interference in the US election -- has also recently been accused of using private email accounts to conduct government business.

Trump`s insurgent presidential campaign was galvanized by supporters` demands that Clinton be jailed for her use of private email servers while Secretary of State.