Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor recently bought a brand new Mercedes-Maybach S580 on his 41st birthday. The actor was seen taking a test-drive of the black-coloured Maybach with the Mercedes sales person from Auto Hangar in Mumbai, a dealership of the German brand. Now, the company has delivered the car to Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajpoot, however the vehicle gets Diamond white colour.


As seen in the social media post by Mercedes' Mumbai based dealership Auto Hangar, the couple took delivery of their brand new Mercedes-Maybach S580. The Mercedes-Maybach S580 luxury saloon starts at Rs 2.79 crores (ex-showroom) in India.

Also read: Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor buys Mercedes-Maybach on his birthday

This is not the actor's first Mercedes-Benz S-Class, as he has been spotted driving a Mercedes-Benz S400 (previous-generation S-Class), which had an AMG kit to give it a sportier appearance. The Mercedes-Benz S400 was powered by a 3.0-litre V6 petrol engine which made 334 PS of power and 480 Nm of torque. 

The Maybach S580 is assembled at Mercedes's Chakan plant and is powered by an AMG sourced 4.0-litre twin turbocharged petrol engine making 503 PS of power and 700 Nm of torque. This powerful engine is mated to a 9-speed automatic transmission, which powers all four wheels. 

Being a luxury saloon, it has a premium interior with a new vertical mounted touchscreen infotainment system which measures 12.8-inches in size and runs on the second-gen MBUX system. Drivers get a 12.3-inch digital instrument cluster. There are also reclining rear seats with massaging functions, ambient lighting, noise cancellation, four-zone climate control, rear tray tables and a rear refrigerator with their own custom made solid metal flutes.

Some other cars owned by Shahid Kapoor are Land Rover Range Rover Vogue, Jaguar XKR-S, Porsche Cayenne GTS, Mercedes-Benz GLS and a Harley Davidson Fatboy.