The Delhi government has announced a ban on the entry of heavy and medium goods vehicles in the Union Territory. The ban on vehicles is to keep a check on the pollution levels in the capital during the winter season. Based on the announcement, the ban will be applicable starting from 1 November 2022 to 28 February 2023, covering the whole winter season. Normally the ban on the vehicles such as mini tempos trucks used to be for 15-20 days by the end of the year in November or December. On June 15, the Delhi government had written to its neighboring states, including Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, urging them to allow only BS VI-compliant buses to enter the national capital from October 1 in order to help control air pollution in the city.


The request was made to deal with the problem of vehicular pollution in the city, which officials here indicated, is contributed to in part by vehicles coming from the neighboring state of Haryana.It is to be noted that the Air Quality in the national capital has fallen to dangerous levels in the previous years, and the government has been taking various measures to curb air pollution.

Moreover, due to industrial discharges, automobile emissions, and crop residue burning in Punjab and neighboring Haryana, the pollutant Particulate Matter 2.5, or PM2.5, levels had increased significantly in the winter months.

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The early ban on the movement of diesel-guzzling vehicles is expected to help control the levels of pollution in Delhi. As these vehicles are a known source of producing pollutants part from the industries. However, in the long run, the ban on the movement of trucks might affect the transportation of goods.

With inputs from PTI