Mercedes G 580 Edition One: Mercedes-Benz has launched the G 580 Edition One in India at Rs 3 crore (ex-showroom), which will be sold alongside the AMG G 63 facelift priced at Rs 3.64 crore. This electric version of the G-Class is officially called the Mercedes G 580 with EQ Technology. Bookings for the G 580 began in July 2024, and the SUV is already sold out until Q3 2025. It will be showcased at the Bharat Mobility Global Expo in Delhi next week.


The G 580 retains the classic boxy silhouette of the G-Class, resembling the G 450d, but with aerodynamic improvements that include a partially raised hood with air curtains, redesigned A-pillars, a front roof spoiler and air curtains in the rear wheel-arch flares. 

LED lights on the nose add a unique touch to its appearance. Mercedes claims a reduced drag coefficient of 0.44Cd, down from the G 450d’s 0.48Cd. Instead of a traditional spare wheel on the boot, the G 580 offers a charging cable holder, highlighting its EV identity.

Inside, the G 580 stays true to its G-Class roots but includes EV-specific touches. It retains the Mercedes MBUX system with dual 12.3-inch screens for the driver display and infotainment. The physical controls for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning are placed below the touchscreen. The SUV also gets Adaptive cruise control. The boot space is 555 litres, which is smaller than its ICE variants.

The G 580 is powered by a 116kWh battery that supports fast charging, reaching from 10% to 80% in just 32 minutes at speeds of up to 200kW. The claimed WLTP range is 473km. The SUV features four electric motors and a two-speed gearbox, delivering a combined output of 587hp and 1,164Nm of torque. According to the company, it accelerates from 0 to 100kph in 4.7 seconds and has a top speed of 180kph.