Tata Motors, has launched the Altroz iCNG in India with a starting price of Rs 7.55 lakhs (ex-showroom). The hatchback adds to the CNG vehicle portfolio of automaker. However, it sets itself apart from the other models by becoming the first hatchback in India to have a sunroof. Furthermore, this is the first time Tata Motors' dual-cylinder set-up has been used in one of the models. 


Talking about the exterior, the Altroz iCNG presents no differences compared to the petrol version of the car. The car can only be differentiated because of the presence of the iCNG badge on the rear of the car. However, the differences are visible in the interiors. It now gets two 30-litre tanks instead of one big CNG tank to leave some bootspace. In other words, the car offers 210-litre boot space.

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The Altroz iCNG comes equipped with advanced features such as Voice-assisted Electric Sunroof, a Wireless charger, and an Air purifier. After Tiago and Tigor, the Altroz iCNG is the third CNG offering in the personal segment only. Making CNG a cool proposition for young car buyers.

Tata Altroz iCNG Variant Wise Pricing

The Altroz iCNG is offered across six variants, XE, XM+, XM+(S), XZ, XZ+(S), and XZ+O(S), and is available in four colour options, Opera Blue, Downtown Red, Arcade Grey, and Avenue White. 

The Altroz CNG receives power from a 1.2-litre petrol engine working with a 5-speed manual gearbox. It is to be noted that the power output of the engine varies depending on the fuel being used. Using petrol, it gives out 88hp and 115Nm of peak torque, whereas using CNG, it gives 77hp and 103Nm of peak torque.

The new Tata Altroz iCNG will face tough competition in India with models like Maruti Suzuki Baleno CNG (starting price at Rs 8.35 lakh) and Toyota Glanza (starting price at Rs 8.50 lakh).