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‘Disgusting…’ British Airways passenger finds ‘dental implant’ in flight food, Netizens react

After the post with the picture of the dental implant in food, British Airways addressed the problem and attempted to contact the passenger to address the issue.

‘Disgusting…’ British Airways passenger finds ‘dental implant’ in flight food, Netizens react Image Source- Twitter

Many flight passengers often complain about multiple things, and among all those things, food is definitely one of the top contenders. However, most of the time, the complaints about the food are because of the way it has been cooked or the taste and other similar things. But for a passenger of British Airways, things went to the next level when she found a "dental implant" in the meal she was served on the flight. The incident occurred while the woman was travelling on flight BA107 from London to Dubai. Going public with her problem, the woman going by the name Ghada El-Hoss tweeted a photo of her meal. In her tweet, she mentioned British Airways to inform the airlines about the problem she faced.

She wrote,"@British_Airways still waiting to hear from you regarding this dental implant we found in our food on flight BA107 from London to Dubai on Oct. 25 (we have all our teeth: it's not ours). This is appalling. I also can't get through to anyone from your call center."

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The image of the meal attached to the post showed an image of what seemed like a dental implant wrapped in a white napkin. Besides the napkin in the meal served to Ghada with some rice and vegetables in a container.

After the tweet, British Airways addressed the problem and said, "Hi, there, we're really sorry to see this!" They further tried to get her details to contact her about the problem. The airlines added, "Did you give our cabin crew your details for our Customer Relations team to contact you? For security, please send us any personal details by DM."

After the post, many netizens reacted to the post. Many of the social media users were shocked, many found it hard to believe, while others were disgusted. One of the social media users wrote, "Unbelievable, but if true, then disgusting." One of the users wrote, "I think, it's some mischief, you can get stones, cockroach, insects, even small rodents, human hair, but why would implant get into food like this"

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