New Delhi: Bhojpuri stunner-TV star Monalisa never fails to treat her fans to some of her best pictures and today, she did the same. In a post dedicated to old times when there was no coronavirus scare, Monalisa reminisced about those days with a couple of jaw-dropping pictures. She is dressed in a multi-coloured swimwear and smiles for the perfect shot as she plays with water. The pictures are from one of her previous photoshoots for a magazine.


“The Best Thing About Memories.... Is Making Them,” read the caption for her post.

Take a look:

Monalisa is pretty much bored of being stuck at home due to the lockdown and has found a new way to avoid boredom. She has taken the TikTok route and her partner is none other than husband Vikrant. Here are some of their interesting videos.

Monalisa’s social media game is always strong and in these difficult times, she is spreading awareness constantly through her posts. She has urged people to stay indoors and take care of themselves and their families.

Monalisa, whose real name is Antara Biswas, is a well-known Bhojpuri star. She also featured in the reality show ‘Bigg  Boss 10’ after which she turned her focus to TV. She stars as the prime antagonist in ‘Nazar 2’.