Fresh negotiations between government and unions of striking postal employees were held in New Delhi tonight amidst indications that the 13-day nation-wide strike could be called off soon. The negotiations between three federations claiming a total strength of six lakh employees and Communication Minister Ram Vilas Paswan were held at the Sanchar Bhawan.
“Discussions are on. They are moving in a positive direction,” VS Yadav, Secretary-General, Bharatiya Postal Employees Federation, said. The employees had been demanding immediate implementation of Justice Talwar Committee recommendations relating to wage revision and other benefits such as pension for extra- departmental employees.
The striking employees alleged that the government had not honoured the bilateral settlement reached on May 1, this year. The employees had also demanded removal of certain anomalies in the pay structure of non-gazetted postal employees following the Fifth Pay Commission.
Other demands included upgradation of wage scales of non-gazetted employees and implementation of wage revision with effect from 1996 instead of 1997. Bureau Report