Former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres on Thursday said that the US "package" on dividing Jerusalem was acceptable to his country but felt a solution to the middle-east crisis was not possible before President Bill Clinton lays down office later this month. ''Jerusalem city could be divided and shared by Jews and Muslims but the 800 metre holy place could not be under the monopoly of any one community,'' he told reporters.

''The city could be divided demographically and shared on religious basis but this could not be applied to the actual holy place and its nearby surroundings as it's a congregation of both Jews and Muslims,'' he said.
“As the holy place has entwined a 3,000 year Jewish history, 2,000 year Christian and 1,200 year Muslim history in it, all should be allowed to pray there in their respective manners, traditions and customs,” Peres said.
On the chances of an accord before the end of Clinton's term, the senior Israeli leader did not appear optimistic saying there are just seven days left and it would be too short a time to resolve this complex issue. Bureau Report