India, while developing its own indigenous fire-walls and security systems, should focus on human, legal and technological aspects, Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) N Vittal said in New Delhi on Wednesday. “The problem of e-hacking and e-security emerges due to the intellectual challenge that the websites pose and this element of human dimension needs to be understood as it may be fuelled by sheer curiosity,” Vittal said at a seminar organised by Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). “The second important aspect would be on the legal side,” Vittal told the seminar on 'e-secruity and hacking: threats and opportunities for e-commerce and e-governance'.
A code of behaviour should be accepted so that legal measures could be made available for providing effective punishment, which would act as deterrent to mischief makers, he added. Stressing on the third aspect of cryptography, Vittal said mathematics, especially concepts like random numbers or other concepts dealing with probability, would play a main role in designing the system to prevent hacking and related problems. Bureau Report