New Delhi: The movie follows a police officer who becomes the central figure, dealing with personal challenges while untangling a web of lies in a peaceful town. The plot explores the dark force that takes advantage of community feelings, weaving a story tied to religious beliefs and community issues. The leader's motives, driven by a desire for property, form the core of the movie's themes of community manipulation and personal redemption.


"Aakhir Palaayan kab tak?" delves into the manipulation of fear and helplessness , questioning the human condition under the influence of a harmful puppeteer who exploits religious sentiments. As doubts cast shadows on every truth, the film invites audiences to ponder the thin line between reality and orchestrated chaos.

This movie takes a thought-approach and reveals the harsh realities that people often turn a blind eye to, convincing them to confront uncomfortable truths. "Aakhir Palaayan kab tak?".

In cinemas 16 February 2024.