New Delhi: Classic actress Rani Mukerji's gearing up for the release of her upcoming action thriller 'Mardaani 2'. The makers have unveiled a new poster where Rani can be seen striking a tough cop look. Rani made her comeback to movies post maternity break with 'Hichki' in 2018 and this will be her second film.


The film has been directed by Gopi Puthran. Noted film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to Twitter and shared the poster with fans. He wrote: Rani Mukerji in #Mardaani2... Directed by Gopi Puthran... 13 Dec 2019 release.

The trailer was unveiled a few days back and received positive feedback. Rani as Shivani Shivaji Roy sets out in her search to nab down a rapist. The plot will touch a chord with the viewers and from what we are shown, this promises to be an edgy thriller.

'Mardaani 2' is a sequel to 2014 release 'Mardaani' and is produced by Aditya Chopra under Yash Raj Films banner.

The film will hit the screens on December 13, 2019.