New Delhi: Gold and silver prices rose in early trade on Friday, with 10 grams of the yellow metal (24-carat) trading at Rs 50,890, up Rs 270. Silver prices increased by Rs 1,400 per kg, with the metal trading at Rs 54,200.


Ten grams of 22-carat gold is currently trading at Rs 46,650, up Rs 250 from yesterday.

In Mumbai and Kolkata, 24-carat gold is selling for Rs 50,890 per 10 gram, while 22-carat gold is selling for Rs 46,650. 24-carat and 22-carat gold is trading at Rs 51,040 and Rs 46,800 per 10 gram in Delhi, respectively.

In Chennai, 24-carat gold costs Rs 51,600 and 22-carat gold costs Rs 47,300.

Meanwhile, US gold prices rose on Friday, aided by a drop in the dollar, but expectations of more interest rate hikes limited further gains as US Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell reiterated the central bank's commitment to keeping inflation under control.

As of 0110 GMT, spot gold was up 0.4% to $1,713.62 per ounce.

Gold futures in the United States were up 0.3% at $1,724.90.