Zee Media Bureau


Transparent smartphone displays could soon be a reality with Lenovo's ZUK recently having launched a prototype Android smartphone that sports a transparent screen.

Though transparent display is not new in the innovation field considering that Samsung and LG have both succeeded in making transparent display panels, reports say the prototype from ZUK appears to have more colour indepth and accuracy.

By the way, ZUK is a start-up supported by Chinese handset maker Lenovo and has already unvieled ZUK Z1 smartphone in the market. It is also all set to launch the ZUK Z2 in the market by December, as per reports.

ZUK had earlier unveiled the transparent prototype in August and market is abuzz as to whether the company will be able to pull it off in reality.

The prototype reveal was first said to have been reported by Gizmo China with the pictures posted on Wiebo.