Mumbai, Nov 12: The Special Investigating Team, probing the multi-crore fake stamp paper scam, today questioned nine policemen, including a top ranking police officer, at Pune. Among those questioned was Assistant Commissioner of Police (crime branch) Ramakant Padwal, who had been quizzed twice earlier.

Eight other cops, who were summoned by SIT, are members of the crime branch airport unit which is headed by inspector Vashist Andale, held in police custody in the multi-crore fake stamp paper scam. Andale is facing the allegation of going soft on the associates of prime accused Abdul Karim Telgi who were caught with fake stamp papers in Andheri some time back. He allegedly caught hold of them and let them off, sit sources said.

The nine police personnel were today questioned in this regard, SIT sources said.

Earlier, Police Commissioner R S Sharma had been questioned by the SIT chief S S Puri in regard to allegations of shielding Telgi. Bureau Report