London, Sept 12: A movie trilogy called Goal! about the trials and tribulations of a soccer player is to hit the big screen after the game's ruling body FIFA reached an agreement with Hollywood producers on Thursday.
FIFA said the first movie, which will be released next year, would depict a young Latino player in Los Angeles attempting to fulfil his dream of playing in the English premier league. "It will be the very first Hollywood production about football and the entire production will include the best talent available anywhere in the world," said Oscar-winning producer and script writer Lawrence Bender in a FIFA statement.The sequel will see the player succeed against all odds and earn a transfer to a European club, before the third film, scheduled to be screened before the 2006 World Cup, involves the player earning international honours.


Bender, who has worked alongside writer and producer Quentin Tarantino, produced hit movies Pulp Fiction and Good Will Hunting.

FIFA will help market the project and provide the expertise needed to create "authentic and realistic" movies, it said.

Talks are currently being held with a number of English premier league clubs over the first two movies and actors are scheduled to attend a training camp next month.

Shooting for the first film is to start early next year with the film released later in 2004.