The company has opened its office at Bandra and is planning to have a presence in Hyderabad, Chennai and Bangalore, she said, adding, "software industry is blooming in the southern parts of the country".
The marketing services major also conducts due diligence studies on markets and products, apart from providing acquisition, buyout and joint venture information for Indian companies, she said. While excise collection was up by 8.55 per cent to Rs 40,321 crore in the first six months, customs mop up increased by 7.82 per cent to Rs 23,014 crore, Finance Ministry officials said here on Tuesday.

Reflecting a robust performance of industry, excise collection was Rs 7,725 crore in September while customs mop-up was Rs 4,156 crore.
The excise collection till August was at Rs 32,596 crore while customs was at Rs 18,864 crore.

Service tax collection was also buoyant with government collecting Rs 2,735 crore till September.
The service tax collection was growing by 40 per cent till August, with government mopping up Rs 2,320 crore. Bureau Report