Berlin, May 18: The Al-Qaeda network has reorganised and could be planning more attacks in Africa, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan, Germany's BND intelligence service has warned. Al-Qaeda's "support network and its potential for recruitment in Saudi Arabia, but also in Yemen, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait remain intact" despite security crackdowns, said a BND report.

It said the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, currently headed jointly by Germany and the Netherlands, is a possible target.

The report said a new generation of militants were now leading Al-Qaeda, which carried out the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, and that it had found other means of financing its operations. The BND also said that Osama bin Laden, the Saudi millionaire who founded the network, was still alive and living in Pakistan near the Afghan border.

It said a new group called Al-Muhawidun, led by Thalet Ben Aziz and based in Saudi Arabia, was organising operations.

Meanwhile, the German foreign ministry has warned people against unnecessary travel to Djibouti and Tanzania, following what it said were indications that attacks could be planned there. It also warned against travel to East Africa and urged caution in Morocco, where a series of suicide attacks in Casablanca on Friday left 41 people dead. Bureau Report