Zee Media Bureau


New Delhi: In today's age, nothing can be considered to be secure. Everything under the Sun comes with an inherent flaw. And, this is what excites hackers the most. In the latest. Facebook's popular photo sharing networking site Instagram came under attack of a hacker. Though it looks routine in the techno-savvy world of today, the hacker here is a 10-year-old boy.

The wiz kid discovered that one can delete anyone's comment, including a celebrity on Instagram.

As per media reports, the flaw in Instagram was discovered by a 10-year old Finnish boy Jani (name changed on request of his parents) who said that he could delete any comment posted by users.

Jani demonstrated the flaw in a test account by deleting users' comments. He also claimed that he could even delete comments of celebrities.

And the reward for discovering such a flaw? He was rewarded $10,000 from Facebook for him as a part of company's bug bounty program, which offers cash rewards to people who find bugs and flaws in Facebook's digital infrastructure. Instagram is owned by Facebook.