Mumbai, Apr 04: Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai has been offered a lead role opposite Pierce Brosnan in a new James Bond movie but the highest paid Indian actress has yet to give her nod to the project. "I am still to talk to the people from the London-based international coordinating agency, who have sounded me on the role on behalf of the studio making bond movies", the actress said, sources close to her told a news agency here today. Aishwarya is recuperating in the P D Hinduja hospital, where she was admitted early yesterday following the freak accident during the shooting of "Khaki', near Nasik on Wednesday evening.
"The agency people had come over to Nasik on Wednesday to meet the actress but as she was busy with the rehearsals, she could not discuss the project with them", the sources said adding they might meet Aishwarya tomorrow. The top Indian actress has already given her consent to two Hollywood projects--Gurinder Chadha's "Pride and Prejudice" and "Invaders", directed by Roland Joffe.

Meanwhile, Dr Sanjay Agarwala, chief of surgery and head, Orthopaedics department, told the news agency that the actress is responding to treatment and getting more and more mobile.

The doctors dressed her wounds this afternoon and they would change her fibre-glass plaster on the left leg in a couple of days.

Bureau Report