Chennai: Prohibitory orders were clamped in the Marina starting tonight with police saying despite its warning, social media messages continued to do the rounds asking youth to congregate in the area which had witnessed week-long pro-Jallikkattu protests.


Yesterday, police made it clear that Marina was out of bounds for any kind of agitation.

"In the interest of preservation of peace and tranquillity in Chennai and to curtail the nefarious design of anti-socials and anti-nationals attempting to disrupt public peace and order, a prohibitory order under Section 144 of Criminal Procedure Code has been promulgated in Marina," city police said in a release.

Police recalled its appeal yesterday asking public not to believe in social media messages asking them to congregate at Marina, while warning those spreading such messages of strict action.

"Despite the appeal and warning, messages continue to circulate in the social media requesting the youth and students to congregate in the Marina for various purposes," it said.

The order would be in force till February 12 and cover the areas under the police station limits of Marina, Mylapore, Ice House, Foreshore Estate, Triplicane and Anna Square, the release said.

Police also released a copy of the order, issued by Commissioner S George.

By this order, all assemblies, processions, fasts, demonstrations, human chains, meetings and movement of groups were "prohibited" around Marina beach and surrounding areas, it said and warned that "anyone violating the order will be prosecuted", it said.

However, peaceful visit by families, children and walkers for recreation and relaxation will in no way be affected by this order, it said and sought the cooperation of the citizens of Chennai, and "deeply regretted" any inconvenience.

On Monday, police had dispersed pro-Jallikattu protesters who had stay put at Marina for a week.