Covid-19 has upended ordinary life as we know it. The elderly have been hardest hit by the pandemic. The youth hasn't been spared either. WFH, vaccines, boosters, lockdowns et all have entered our daily lexicon.


Amidst all this, is a book called 'A Slice of Life' which is a fictional potpourri of extraordinary narratives of ordinary people who have more to their everyday lives beneath the surface. These stories reflect myriad hues of human behaviour. Smita  Das Jain, the author of the book is a Personal Empowerment Life Coach, Executive Coach, Speaker, and Writer. A Slice of Life, as the name suggests, the book provides us slices of life on a platter. From a husband who does a sacrifice that no one else does to two friends who choose their friendship above everything else, the boom talks about relationships, their depth, and how we can think differently and act above stereotypes.

Referring to her writing process as a matter of discipline, she highlights that she wakes early every morning to work on a word document from scratch. She explains that she doesn't write with a set plot in mind and let her characters lead her in the stories. She finds the idea of following any plot very boring and has written a couple of stories that way but didn’t like the output, so she prefers to be spontaneous for her work. Smita takes inspiration from real-life "Truth is stranger than fiction, and the more you get to observe people and things around you, the more stories you will get to narrate. The characters in all my stories are real people in a fictional setting, and that is why they are so relatable. " says the author.

Different human feelings and emotions are being well expressed through the stories in the book. The reflection of reality is well shown in these stories which makes it even more interesting to read. The author has used simple words, letting the readers easily relate to each and every story. 

It's a well-layered book with good narration and the words used in the book are pretty simple and easy making it a comfortable read for all types of readers. Each chapter leaves an impact on the heart and minds of the readers. It did capture the essence of the feelings of a human being in the different situations of life. It's a beautiful reflection of reality and human life. The author ends and begins the book with very sweet stories, making you smile right at the beginning, and leaving you with a smile at the end of it as well.