New Delhi: Amazon on Tuesday said it will begin manufacturing Amazon Devices, including Fire TV sticks, in Chennai later this year in partnership with Foxconn's subsidiary, Cloud Network Technology.


"This is the first Amazon manufacturing line in India, reiterating our commitment to the Government of India’s ‘Make in India’ for an Atmanirbhar Bharat." Amazon wrote in a blogpost.

Amit Agarwal, SVP and Country Head, Amazon India briefed Shri. Ravi Shankar Prasad, Minister for Communications, Electronics & Information Technology and Law & Justice, Government of India on the details of the initiative.

"The device manufacturing programme will be able to produce hundreds of thousands of Fire TV Stick devices (for video streaming) every year, catering to the demands of customers in India," Amazon said in a blogpost.

In the blogpost, Amazon wrote that the device manufacturing program will be able to produce hundreds of thousands of Fire TV Stick devices every year, catering to the demands of customers in India. Amazon will continuously evaluate scaling capacity to additional marketplaces/cities depending on the domestic demand.

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In 2020 Amazon announced the ‘Local Shops on Amazon’, a program that retailers and local shops be Atmanirbhar, and benefit from selling online. We have over 22,000 neighborhood stores registered across the country gathering additional footfalls through their online presence and furthering their earning potential by acting as pickup points, logistics partners, and experience centers for e-commerce.