New Delhi: Elon Musk has been in the news frequently over the takeover of the micro-blogging site Twitter. His actions have made him rather infamous, from taking control of Twitter to sacking its staff to even posting absurd things on social media. The man does appear to have a following, though, despite everything. Men were photographed praising the millionaire at a recent event in Bengaluru, India's innovation hub. They obviously increased their admiration for him.


The Save India Family Foundation (SIFF) volunteers who are advocating for "Men's Lives Matters" performed pooja and worshipped Musk. They recited prayers and burnt incense in front of a cheery image of Musk. "Baba Elon Musk ki jai," was one of the shouts.

The group posted a video of their peculiar puja on Twitter. They declared, "In Bangalore, India, some males start worshipping Elon Musk. They refer to him as the exterminator of feminists and Wokashura (Woke Ashura)."

They call him the destroyer of Wokashura (Woke Ashura) and evictor of feminists.
 Save Indian Family Foundation (realsiff) February 27, 2023