New Delhi: Pakistan Cricket Board's (PCB) hopes of bringing cricket back home seem to have recieved a vital boost after Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) board admits being interested visiting the country for a sole T20-International match.


Thilanga Sumathipala, whoalso is the chairman of Asian Cricket Council’s (ACC) development committee, has stated that Sri Lanka will be ready to tour Pakistan for at least one T20I in Lahore provided "all logistical and operational plans fall in place".

The announcement was made after the conclusion of ACC’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Colombo on August 12. Though the dates of the proposed tour have not been announced so far, it is expected to be played in September, as per a report in Cricbuzz.

“Cricket is a game of change, chance and chase. The game today, and its following is very different to what it was 10 years ago and as administrators, we are faced with a different set of challenges to overcome. World cricket is in the hands of the unity of Asia. We need to respectfully understand each other’s problems and stand by each other. This is the spirit of the Asian Cricket Council,” Sumathipala was quoted as saying by ESPNCricinfo.

“I am keen to take my team to Pakistan. We have had our security experts visit and make an assessment, and things look positive with things improving all over the country and especially Lahore being cleared. We have three T20I games coming up against Pakistan in September and we would like to play at least one of those games in Lahore,” he added.

Since the 2009 blast outside the Gaddafi Stadium in Lahore targeting the Sri Lankan cricket team, that rocked the entire cricketing world, Pakistan have only been able to organise one limited-overs affair against Zimbabwe in May 2015, that too with heavy security.

Sumathipala also appealed to all ACC members to assist Pakistan in their efforts. He cited the example of the ICC Champions Trophy 2017, which took place in London despite the city suffering two major terrorist attacks while the tournament was being commenced.

“I call upon each one of you as members to play your role and give Pakistan the security of your support. There is always risk — there were two attacks in London during the Champions Trophy, but cricket continued under the security assurances of the ICC. So likewise, we too must be as accommodating and understanding as possible with our members and extend our fullest support to them as the cricketing family of Asia,” he said.

“Sri Lanka suffered through three decades of terrorism and war and at one stage no one wanted to come here — Pakistan stood by us then, as did India. The opportunities available throughout the Asian region for the development of this game that is so close to our hearts is enormous. The efforts and the investment of our member countries are phenomenal and we need to support this development,” Sumathipala added.