Former Indian cricket captain, Kapil Dev, recently shared intriguing insights on the drama surrounding India-Pakistan cricket matches and the notorious on-field altercation between Virat Kohli and Gautam Gambhir during the IPL 2023. In an interview with The Week, the legendary cricketer shed light on the pressures surrounding Indo-Pak encounters and expressed his concern over the behaviour of modern players. Let's delve deeper into Kapil Dev's views and the impact of the Kohli-Gambhir spat on Indian cricket.

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India-Pakistan Cricket Rivalry: The Pressure Game


In an interview with The Week, Kapil Dev was asked if there's 'too much drama' around India vs Pakistan matches which leads to 'pressure', the 1983 World Cup-winning captain said it's not the on-filed challenge that brings pressure. "What is pressure? Pressure doesn't come when you're facing the ball. It starts building up when your waiter gives you coffee and says, "Pakistan se nahi haarna (don't lose to Pakistan)". So that's how the build-up takes place," Kapil said.

Kapil Dev on the Kohli-Gambhir IPL Spat

Switching gears, Kapil Dev addressed the unfortunate altercation between Virat Kohli and Gautam Gambhir during an IPL 2023 match. The incident occurred when Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) faced Lucknow Super Giants, and tempers flared between Kohli and Naveen-ul-Haq. Gambhir, serving as a mentor for Lucknow, stepped in, escalating the situation between the former teammates.

“They have to groom players to be good citizens also. What happened between Gautam Gambhir and Virat Kohli in the IPL, it was painful for me. My two most important people―Virat Kohli, one of the top batters in the world; Gambhir is now a member of Parliament―how can they behave in such a manner? But sportsmen do lose their mind, from Pelé to Don Bradman to all people,” he said in his interview with The Week.

The Impact of the Incident

The Kohli-Gambhir spat created waves in the cricketing community, with fans and experts alike discussing the consequences of such on-field confrontations. While Kohli remained tight-lipped about the incident, he posted cryptic messages on his Instagram handle, hinting at the disagreement. On the other hand, Gambhir addressed the issue more openly during an interview with News 18. He emphasized that any disputes with his fellow players remained confined to the cricket field and never spilt over into personal matters. This assertion by Gambhir underscores the importance of maintaining a professional demeanour and a healthy competitive spirit in the game.

Kapil Dev's Plea to BCCI

As a respected figure in Indian cricket, Kapil Dev made a compelling request to the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI). He urged the cricketing body to focus on grooming players from a young age, not just in terms of their cricketing skills but also as responsible citizens. The aim is to instil values of sportsmanship, discipline, and respect in players to help them cope with pressure and maintain exemplary conduct throughout their careers.