It's a new day, a new beginning. It's all about the starting life afresh. So as you begin a new journey, find out what the stars have in store for you today. There are twelve zodiac signs and each has its distinct feature. Be it, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces - each of the signs has something unique to tell.


Check out today's predictions by Sundeep Kochar.


Your children will be your area of interest and focus. For those who are single, your loved ones will be areas of concern. Try and spend quality time with them. They need your care and attention. Try to curb your speculative instincts and be cautious when you are investing in stocks and other risky investments.


Your opponents will be surprised with your preparedness on all the task and activities. Your team members and peers will look up to you and follow your directive and appreciate your preparedness. Your family members will be supportive of you. Overall you will find you are in good state to be in.


You will be leading some new initiative. People will look at you for direction. You will win over your opponents and your loved ones will have more confidence in your activities. Overall you have a good day.


Time to propose to your partner or get serious in your relationship. You will be meeting someone important today. Good time to go for an outing with your loved ones. You are in good mental frame. Wonderful time to start some new initiatives.


You will attract people of opposite sex because of the way you handle diplomatically your opponents. Be careful on romantic liaisons with opposite sex as it can be your undoing also. Take your loved ones for an outing. They are eagerly looking to spend some quality time with you.


You will see some sudden events occurring at your work place. Your family members may not be supportive of you and will demand more of your time. Take a break, spend time with your family. Try to take one step at a time. Take note this state will remain only for short while.


You are back in business and people will start looking up to you for directions. People will see your positive traits more and ignore your negative qualities. You will achieve success in your work front and win over your opponents.


You will forge new partnership or relationship in business and in personal life. People will look at you and will follow you. You will have some exciting times with people of opposite sex. You may go on short romantic trip.


You will be more focused on romantic liaisons with opposite sex than focusing on key task in hand. Try to get back to your senses and focusing on your goals. You have bigger things to achieve. Try not to waste your time on frivolous activities.


You may not have done proper research in the past and today may hurt you if you invest blindly in any new venture or investments. Your opponents will be waiting for your downfall and it is good to lie low and cautious in your activities.


You will be meeting some important person today who may help in increasing your financial gains. Why not try for some innovative ideas with friends and people of power? It may be appropriate time to spend time with your loved ones and have some sumptuous meal


You will feel peevish and irritable as you find most of your activities are slow and facing hurdles. Those are temporary and will soon change. Why don’t you take a break and go and relax? It is valuable time to unwind and de-stress when things are moving slow on professional front.