New Delhi: Good Friday is a significant date observed by Christians all over the world. It marks the Crucification of Jesus Christ by Roman Cavalry. It is believed that Christ went through immense suffering and death to eliminate the sins of his children and liberated them from the pain and agony by going through it himself. This year Good Friday will be observed on April 15. The occasion is followed by Easter (that falls on Sunday following Good Friday) and marks the resurrection of Christ.


On Good Friday, Christians attend Church services. Some of them also observe fast and engage in prayer to honour the suffering that Christ went through for the sake of humanity.

Below are WhatsApp messages, quotes and sayings that you can share on Good Friday.

  • On Good Friday, I pray and wish that the Lord always keeps us blessed and continues showing us the right path.
  • Good Friday is a day of hope. Let's remember Jesus Christ and his great sacrifice. Looking forward to a better tomorrow.
  • This Good Friday, let us all take a moment and thank God for all the love he always bestows upon us. He made a great sacrifice on this day.
  • May the glory and blessings of Lord Jesus brighten up our lives. 
  • This Good Friday, let us all take a moment and thank God for all the love he always bestows upon us. He made a great sacrifice on this day.
  • Good Friday marks the slaying of our Jesus, The unblemished lamb, the perfect sacrifice. He took our guilt and blamed upon Himself.
  • May the loving-kindness of the most high God be with you as you take the time to reverence his name this Good Friday
  • I hope that you are always surrounded by the love and care of our dear Lord. May the love and dedication you have for Jesus Christ keep growing with each passing day.