Kanya Puja, also known as Kanjak Puja, is a significant and cherished ritual during the auspicious festival of Navratri. This beautiful tradition involves worshipping young girls as a form of the goddess Durga. Kanya Puja falls on Maha Ashtami, the eighth day of Navratri, and holds immense importance in Hindu culture. In this article, we will explore the date, Shubh Muhurat, significance, and rituals associated with Kanya Puja in 2024.


Each avatar of Maa Durga is worshipped during the Mahasthami Puja, highlighting the Goddess’s diverse features of strength and grace. This year Chaitra Durga Ashtami will be celebrated on Tuesday, April 16, 2024.

Kanya Puja during Chaitra Navratri will be observed on Maha Ashtami, i.e., April 16. Devotees eagerly anticipate this day as it symbolizes the worship of divine feminine energy.

The Ashtami Tithi starts at 12:11 on April 15, 2024, and concludes at 13:23 on April 16, 2024, according to Drik Panchang.

Kanya Puja Ashtami 2024: Kanya (Kanjak), Kumari Puja Vidhi

1. Devotees prepare for Kanya Puja by inviting nine young girls, typically between the ages of 2 and 10, to their homes. These girls represent the nine forms of the goddess Durga.

2. The feet of the young girls are washed to purify them and symbolize the purification of the goddess herself.

3. Devotees offer young girls new clothes, bangles, kumkum, haldi, fruits, and other gifts as a sign of respect and to seek their blessings.

4. A traditional aarti is performed for the young girls, accompanied by singing bhajans and hymns in praise of goddess Durga.

5. After the puja, a delicious meal is prepared and served to the young girls. This meal is an expression of gratitude for participating in the ritual.

6. It is customary to make donations, particularly in the form of money or food, to the young girls as a symbol of charity.

Kanya Puja Ashtami 2024: Significance of Kanya Pujan

1. Kanya Puja is a heartfelt homage to the feminine energy of the universe. It symbolizes the belief that the goddess Durga manifests in the form of young girls.

2. This ritual encourages the belief that all women, regardless of their age or background, embody the divine. It promotes gender equality and respect for women.

3. Devotees believe that by worshipping young girls, they invite blessings, prosperity, and well-being into their lives. It is also considered an act of seeking forgiveness from the goddess for any wrongdoings.

4. Kanya Puja reinforces cultural values and traditions within families and communities, fostering a sense of togetherness.

(The information given in this article is based on general assumptions and information. Zee News does not confirm this.)