
Energetic and competitive vibes are coming your way. You or your partner may be argumentative or disagree, but fear not! Despite obstacles, a period of joy, abundance, and happiness is heading your way. You'll radiate confidence and attract positive outcomes in your personal and professional life. Embrace these situations as opportunities for growth and learning. Stay determined and focused on your goals, and you'll become stronger on the other side. 



This week brings good news, satisfaction, and emotional well-being to your romantic life. You may feel grateful for your life's love and blessings and manifesting your deepest desires and dreams. However, be cautious of any temptations or unhealthy habits that might come your way in your professional life. Enjoy the fulfilment and happiness that comes your way this week while being aware of potential pitfalls. 


Get ready for a harmonious and fulfilling week ahead! The cards bring a message of rest and relaxation. Embrace some quiet time, indulge in self-care, and allow your mind and body to find balance. This rejuvenation will prepare you for the exciting opportunities that lie ahead. Professionally, positive energy is shining upon you. There will be the completion of a project, success, and new beginnings. You're ready to embark on a new chapter filled with exciting prospects.


You will experience deep emotional connections or a nurturing presence in your relationships. It's a great time to express your feelings and offer support to your loved ones. Growth in your career is foreseen but you need to be strategic and assertive in pursuing your career objectives. You will be eager to learn and expand your skill set. Embrace this intellectual curiosity and seek opportunities for growth and advancement in your professional life.


This week will be filled with fruitful connections and professional growth! You will enjoy harmonious and abundant connections in your personal life. It could be a time of deepening bonds, shared happiness, and support from loved ones. This week brings positive energy for collaboration and success In your career. There’s teamwork, skill development, and recognition for your efforts. You will engage in fruitful partnerships or projects that showcase your talents.


You may face some emotional challenges or conflicts in your relationship with your partner. It's important to address any underlying issues and communicate openly. Take time to heal, and seek support from trusted friends or professionals if needed. Remember, healing leads to growth. On the career front, following established protocols and seeking guidance from experienced mentors will lead to success. Embrace a disciplined and methodical approach to your work. 


Welcome a week of manifesting magic and decision-making! You will be able to create positive connections and influence those around you. Tap into your charm, communication skills, and creativity to foster stronger and more fulfilling relationships. However, there is a need for decision-making and clarity at work. Assess your options, weigh the pros and cons, and make a choice. Don't let indecision hold you back. 


Brace yourself for transformative energies. In relationships, it’s time to let go, release old patterns, and embrace new beginnings. This may involve endings or changes in your relationships that ultimately lead to growth and renewal. In your career, some challenges or conflicts may arise. Navigate these situations with grace and resilience. Keep communication channels open, address issues honestly, and prioritise collaboration and understanding. 


This is a week of introspection and patience. Pause and gain a fresh perspective on your relationships. Surrender control and allow things to unfold naturally. You'll gain valuable insights and deeper connections with loved ones. In your career, be patient and assess your progress. Are you heading in the right direction? Be strategic and make any adjustments to achieve long-term success. Trust your efforts will bear fruit in due time.


This week will be filled with recognition and collaboration. By working together with your loved ones, you can achieve great things. Embrace open communication, share ideas, and appreciate each person's unique skills and contributions. In your career, there is accomplishment and recognition. Your hard work and efforts will pay, and you may receive praise or public acknowledgement for your achievements. 


A new and prosperous chapter begins in your love life. It could bring a new romantic opportunity for singles or deepen existing bonds. Embrace the nurturing and stable energy surrounding you, and let love and harmony flourish. Teamwork and cooperation will lead to success in your professional endeavours. Embrace the support of your colleagues and celebrate milestones and acknowledge the contributions of those around you.


This week brings an energetic and adventurous vibe to your relationships. New beginnings and exciting opportunities await in your love life. Express your passions, and be open to romantic adventures. Allow your inner flame to shine and attract positive connections. At work, stay focused on your goals, pay attention to details, and be patient as you move forward. Your steady and methodical approach will lead to fruitful outcomes in your professional life.

(These Tarot Card predictions are by Chhavi Upadhyay, who is a Delhi–based, intuitive Tarot Practitioner & Consultant)