
Your relationship with your partner blooms, and your bond will grow stronger. If your relationship has been challenging, you will feel things are getting better and better understanding. You will be spending much time together and enjoying more. At work, your ideas will be well received and rewarded. A job offer or promotion may also come your way. Any assignment or project involving teamwork will be beneficial.



This week bring work and career led opportunities, but it is coupled with confusion. Evaluate the options, advantages & disadvantages before making a choice. There may be a job offer or an opportunity in an existing role; there will be money-making opportunities but be cautious before making any investments. There will be emotional & financial support from your partner. Maintain a balance in your relationship by giving & reciprocating your partner's emotions.


If things have been challenging in recent times, you will feel the balance restored; there will be harmony at work & in relationships. Personal relationships are strong & you will be compassionate and generous with friends, family and associates. There is financial growth & investment opportunity. Money is coming your way in the form of a bonus or promotion, but you will have to put in more effort and work harder.


It’s time to transform your dreams into reality, manifest your goals, and realise your potential. Take on your financial or career goals forward, but at the same time, it will require hard work, dedication, and commitment to achieve what you desire. In love, there will be happiness and contentment. Love is on its way for singles. This week brings in a new work opportunity or a new idea. You will witness growth in your career. There could be a promotion, bonus or a new job.


You need to give time and attention to your relationship and family this week. Someone in the family will need extra attention and care. Be more compassionate and considerate towards your spouse. You will be high on confidence at work, and your initiative and project will flourish. You will have the support of those around you. You will be happy to celebrate your achievements with others. Try to work as a team and in collaboration.


There will be achievements, projects will thrive, and your accomplishments will be acknowledged & rewarded. There could be a promotion or a bonus coming your way. It is an excellent time to start a new business or take up a new job. Your relationship with your partner will get more profound and more meaningful. For singles, it is a great time to meet people. It can also signify someone from your past coming back into your life to rekindle a relationship.


You will resolve and overcome past difficulties and enter a phase of harmony and happiness. You will be leaving an unhappy or stressful situation and enter a degree of peace and calm. An emotional struggle is about to end, and it's time for reconciliation. A negative attitude may be affecting your work or position in the organisation. Your current job may not be giving you the satisfaction you seek. Be careful of deceit or cheating in business.


Your hard work will pay off. Helpful information related to job, contract or property is coming your way. Be ready to take action as you see the opportunity. People around you will be supportive and help you achieve your goals. In love, you will be investing more time in understanding your partner better. Investments made jointly will be fruitful. Singles may meet a potential partner through work or at the workplace.


It’s time to indulge a little and treat yourselves. Marriage is on the cards for some. At this time, if you start something new or begin a new venture with your partner, it will reap profits and bring material gains. At work, things will be moving in the right direction this week. There could be an essential partnership or a joint venture business. Also, there could be an essential career, job or business decision that you will take.


Couples, your relationship will strengthen, but you need to add more passion and excitement into your relationship. You will be spending time together, and travel for leisure is foreseen. At work, stick to your plan & stay on course even if it seems complicated at the moment. Continue to work hard to achieve your goal despite opposition and distractions. Define your priorities at work and put your energy where it will work the best.


Obstacles in your relationship will disappear, enabling you to deepen your love. It is time for good things coming from the past, being influenced by past events. You will reconnect with old friends and distant family members. Be ready to express love, and your feelings will be reciprocated. There is success & you will move forward with focus and determination. Be prepared to take charge and control things at work. You will be successful in your endeavour as long as you stay focused.


This week brings stability and profound commitment to your relationship. However, do not be possessive or controlling as it may hurt your partner's feelings. Be supportive of your partner. At work, you will establish a strong position and display leadership qualities. If you have been thinking of starting a business, now is the time to take the lead. Don’t be impulsive with money and be cautious with spending. Don’t rely too much on others.

(These Tarot Card predictions are by Chhavi Upadhyay, who is a Delhi–based, intuitive Tarot Practitioner  & Consultant)