
Allying with a group or a partner will help you earn greater profits. Your money related issues will be over, and your finances will look in order. You are in a position to share what you have with others happily. There could be stress, arguments, and conflict arising because of a lack of communication in relationships. The advice is to stay calm and hold yourself back even if you need to fight back. Keep your ego aside.



There will be happiness and commitment in your relationship. Everything you need from a partner is there; weave some magic and get romantic. For singles, it’s a great time to meet someone and take the relationship forward. There appears to be some fear and uncertainty on the work front, which might create anxiety and confusion in your mind. Pause and reflect to get clarity. It is not a great time to make any career or financial decisions. Let your intuition guide you.


Your relationship appears to be in an uncomfortable spot. As a couple, you could be going through emotional turmoil and finding it difficult to speak up or accept. Unable to spot help or ask for it? Consider speaking about your problems with those who care about you. Your hard work pays off in work and business. Some positive and valuable information related to job, contract or property is coming your way. Be ready to take action as you see the opportunity.


There is a need to find balance in your relationships. You may find yourself caught in the middle and find it challenging to balance friendship or romantic relationships. There seems to be a stalemate, and your love life feels stuck and not moving forward. Speak clearly and openly to find a solution. You can expect a change to happen in your job or career. It is an excellent time to start your own business or take up a new career direction. If you have been experiencing a financially difficult time, things will improve soon.


To overcome difficulties and differences in your relationship, do whatever is necessary to make it work and don’t give up hope. You will have to stay positive and involved with your partner to resolve any issues. This week brings rewards and success, and your efforts will fructify. There will be financial security and stability. Collaboration and partnerships in economic ventures will pay dividends.


Everything is going to be all right. If you focus on a specific task or a goal, it should be done, and your wish will be granted. This is the time for new opportunities, beginnings and taking new initiatives. There could be a promotion, bonus or a new job. There is a possibility of starting a new business, project or expansion. Appreciate everything you have in life, including your family, friends, work, health. Your relationship with your partner will get deeper & meaningful.


Your partner might be judging you basis your past actions and questioning your intentions. You will have to let go if you want the relationship to move forward. If you are single, you may revisit an old relationship & decide if it is worth trying again. Change in your job, position or work environment is anticipated resulting in uncertainty. Professional or career growth might be slow. Readjust your focus on time and resource management. Finances could be unstable.


Take control of your financial and personal matters, and don’t let others decide for you. Put your emotions aside and use your intellect and logic to take any decision. Give attention to your relationships, and don’t be dominating. Professionally, this will be a week that puts you in the limelight. Your project or assignment will be finished and well appreciated. Your financial struggle will be over soon, and you will be rewarded for your efforts and hard work.


This week favours both work and relationships. There could be the beginning of a new relationship, promotion, a new job, or a new project. It’s the start of something extraordinary. Your work or business will make swift progress, and your projects will show positive results. Things are likely to get better on the professional & financial front. Now is the time to make real progress towards your goals. To be successful, stay focused and don’t rush things.


This week indicates moving on; leaving a relationship or an emotion behind. No matter how good and positive a situation, friendship or relationship may appear, you might choose to walk away. This does not indicate break-up but moving out as a preventive measure. At work, there will be competition, but you must hold your position and not give up. People around you will have strong opinions. Stay focussed and be practical with money as losses may incur.


Things will be moving in the right direction this week. There could be an essential partnership or a joint venture business. Also, there could be an important career, job or business decision that you will take. There will be financial stability, and you will be attracting wealth. In love, there will be trust, loyalty, and intimacy. For singles, a new partner may enter your life. You & your partner may focus on practical matters & future planning. Do not be hasty in love related decisions.


Watch your back this week. There could be deception, dishonesty, or betrayal in love and relationships. Those you have been thinking of being a friend might be planning something nasty behind your back. One of the partners may not be honest about their feelings and be manipulative. Things will go well in your career, and there will be some good news related to your current job or a job application. Be less imaginative and more practical if you want your plans to take off.

(These Tarot Card predictions are by Chhavi Upadhyay, who is a Delhi–based, intuitive Tarot Practitioner  & Consultant)