
There could be arguments with a close friend or a family member. In relationships, there could be breakups and heartbreaks due to disputes over past issues or actions. Work on resolving any negative feelings from the past. If you are working on a project, spend time on careful planning instead of taking immediate action. You may feel drawn toward research and professional development courses. There may be delays and postponement of plans.



At work, there will be fairness, and you may be offered help from an older male colleague. You will be able to overcome problems with careful planning. Be practical with money and keep a close watch on your expenses. Don’t be hasty in making a commitment in a personal relationship. Invest some time in your relationship before you take it to the next level. Show patience and perseverance if you want your relationship to last.


You will be happy and content in all aspects of your life – relationships, work, health. If you had a dream, it is about to come true and your wish will be granted. The cards tell you to enjoy and splurge a little and live in the moment. You will stand out in your field of work. Nurture your entrepreneurial spirit, make a plan, and get going. What you propose at this time will be well accepted. Believe in your convictions.


Your commitment towards your partner and relationship will be unbreakable and unquestionable. Your ties and connection with the family will be very strong and warm. You may find yourself struggling a bit to create a balance between your work and personal life. On some days, it will be work, and on others, it will be your relationship that will take the backseat. Try to strike a balance by making time for both. Watch your expenditure and plan your finances in advance.


Do not overwork or exhaust yourself. You are weighing yourself down with demands and responsibilities that you have forgotten to take care of yourself. You may also be carrying issues or grudges from the past that could be emotionally bothering you. Couples, your bond will get stronger and will bring you closer. If you are single, now is a great time to meet someone.


It’s time to appreciate everything you have in life, including your family, friends, work, and health. Your relationship with your partner will get deeper and more meaningful. It is a great time to meet people and open yourself to love. Channel all your energy and enthusiasm into what you love and are passionate about. You will be able to make sound financial decisions based on careful planning but do not splurge.


There is good news about work, jobs or projects. There is a possibility of a job offer or change in position at the workplace. You will be ready to overcome challenges and fulfil your dreams. However, in love, it might be an emotionally vulnerable time, while everything might seem calm and peaceful. There may be some confusion or little disappointment as you may feel let down.


In a work or business, you may feel uncertain, and there may be delays in plans and projects. If you have to make a career led decision like a job change or starting a new business, do not take any decision as of now. If you have been hoping to find true love, you are likely to meet your potential partner. If you are already in a relationship, your partner will be supportive and understanding.


There will be stability, harmony, compatibility, and comfort in relationships and at work. Contentment and happiness in the family are predicted. Your endeavours will move a step closer to completion and witness fruition. Continue working hard and moving forward, but enjoy your life every now and then. Collaborate with like-minded professionals to finish your project or achieve a goal. There will be financial security and stability.


Good fortune and financial gain are indicated. There will be financial abundance & it is a good time to make investments. You may not have time for a relationship or intimacy, this week. You will spend so much time in your head that little will be left for your heart. Your work will keep you busy and occupied. There are chances of some arguments with your partner or someone in the family.


You may be feeling overwhelmed & stressed in your work or personal life. You need some quiet time to pause. You may feel stressed out or under pressure at work & financially it could be a challenging time. Take some time away from your hectic routine to recharge. Now is not a time to take any action or make decisions related to relationships or job. use your energy wisely, and plan carefully to see you through.


You may face disappointment and emotional agony because of relationships. Friendships may break, and unfortunately, they may be unavoidable. Fear and misunderstanding will prevent you from being happy in your relationship. There could be a loss of a job because of the severing of relationships with coworkers. Be extremely careful with your finances and do not make any investments at this point in time.

(These Tarot Card predictions are by Chhavi Upadhyay, who is a Delhi–based, intuitive Tarot Practitioner  & Consultant)