New Delhi: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, in an exclusive interview with Sudhir Chaudhary, Editor-in-Chief, Zee News, and Swati Khandelwal Jain on Thursday thanked the public and Prime Minister Narendra Modi for their support while admitting that it has been a tough task to make the Union Budget in times of Covid-19. 


Sitharaman on Tuesday unveiled a bigger Rs 39.45 lakh crore Budget, with higher spending on highways to affordable housing with a view to fire up the key engines of the economy to sustain a world-beating recovery from the pandemic. The FM underlined that the Budget was envisioned keeping in mind public investment in infrastructure. 

FM asserted that Virtuous cycle of investment expected to revive on the back of capex and crowd in private investment. She further added that this government had already offered a solid increase in the capital expenditure in its last two terms. 

In the matters of tax on income from virtual assets, she reiterated that cryptocurrency or any digital assets should be inclusive as government backing is required for every currency to function in transparency. She further added that the explanation about crypto should be crystal clear. 

There should be a clear distinction between crypto assets owned privately and digital currency. If people believe that they can use blockchain technology and distributed ledger technology to apply their creative knowledge, then that knowledge can become a currency for free. The Reserve Bank of India must first approve a currency, she added. 

FM Sitharaman said that the government has been doing a lot for the middle class in terms of providing several schemes. She emphasizes on the fact that this government is leaving no stone unturned to help the poorest of the poor section of the society. 

She reiterated that this government is committed to the nation's development and has always focused on the creation of jobs. She said that she has always appreciated the honest taxpayers and has mentioned them while presenting the budget.  

“We are not doing anything for the rich. We are focused on the nation's developments and will create as many jobs as possible,” she added. 

While appreciating PM Modi’s efforts and his ability to look into the details, she said. “You won't increase tax, but it's our duty to help the poor, PM Modi told me last year,” she added. 

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