SSC CHSL Answer Key 2023: The objection window for the SSC CHSL Tier-2 Exam 2023 answer key will close today. Candidates wishing to challenge the Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) Tier-2 Exam 2023 answer key can do so on the official website,, by paying Rs 100 per questioned answer. The SSC has provided the candidate's response sheet and answer key for reference, allowing candidates to calculate their scores. For each correct answer, candidates receive three marks, with a one-mark deduction for each incorrect response. Answer key and response sheet downloads require registration number and date of birth.

SSC CHSL Answer Key 2023: Steps To Raise Objections


- Visit the official website,

- On the homepage, click on the ‘Uploading of tentative answer key’

- A pdf will be displayed on the screen, scroll down and click on the given link

- Login using roll number and password

- Raise you grievances against the SSC CHSL tier 2 answer key

- Download the application form for future reference.

Objections submitted after 4 pm today will not be considered. Candidates must submit their option-cum-preference before the announcement of the SSC CHSL Tier-2 result. An expert panel will review objections, and the final answer key will be released. SSC will open the window for obtaining candidate preferences within a specified timeframe.