Kolkata Police has added 17 Tata Nexon EV in its fleet on the occasion on World Environment Day, celebrated every year on June 5. The multiple electric SUVs were added as a part of its campaign to replace the ageing diesel vehicles with environment-friendly electric vehicles. Kolkata Police, in 2021, announced to induct electric cars in its fleet and partnered with Tata Motors for leasing the Nexon EV. These SUVs will be leased for a period of 8 years as part of the tie-up.


The Tata Nexon EV is the best-selling electric car in India and also the only electric SUV under Rs 15 lakh to get over 300 km of driving range. Given the popularity of the SUV and high driving range, it becomes an excellent choice for anyone looking to buy an electric car.

Also read: Top 5 electric cars to buy in India under Rs 25 lakh - Tata Motors, MG and more

Tata Motors has managed to take the top spot with sales of 3,454 units of electric cars in May 2022. The company also registered a 6-fold YoY growth, as it could only sell 476 units in the corresponding period last year. Currently, the brand sells a total of three offerings in the Indian market - Nexon EV, Nexon EV Max, and Tigor EV. The company also registered a YoY growth of 171 per cent for its ICE vehicle lineup with sales of over 39,000 units.

Tata Motors has recently launched the Nexon EV Max in the Indian market. In comparison to the Nexon EV, it offered a larger battery pack and increased range. The Nexon EV Max gets an ARAI-claimed range of 437 km on a full charge. Furthermore, the company is offering a warranty of 1.6 lakh km or 8 years on the battery and motor. It uses a 40.5 kWh lithium-ion battery pack, which can be juiced up from 0 to 80 per cent in just 56 minutes via a 50 kW DC fast charger.

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