The Sony TV show - Shark Tank India, has seen contestants from varied domains pitching against sharks to raise funding for their business models. Since we only talk things automotive, the debut of PMV Eas-E on the show caught our attention. The country’s cheapest electric car - PMV Eas-E, made it to the show, as the founder Kalpit Patel went to the show to raise some funds for his project. He asked for Rs 1 Crore against a 1 per cent equity share in the company. Although sharks were impressed by the Kalpit’s ask, only Anupam gave him an offer.


Anupam Mittal, who owns names like,, People’s Group, and Mauj, offered Rs 1 Crore to Kalpit, including a debt of Rs 40 lakh against an equity share of 4 per cent. However, Kalpit counter-offered, and consequently, the deal was called off. The PMV Eas-E could not bag any funding from the show, as judges were sceptical about the car’s performance in the Indian market.

Also read - THIS Made-in-India smallest and most affordable electric car is priced at only Rs 4.79 lakh: IN PICS

PMV Eas-E: Price & Features

The PMV Eas-E is already on sale in India in a total of 3 trims, with prices starting from Rs 4.79 lakh. Classified as a quadricycle, it was launched last year in November. Also, the Eas-E comes fitted with a host of features, like driver airbags, air conditioning, all-digital instrument console and touchscreen infotainment unit.

PMV Eas-E: Performance & Range

The PMV Eas-E gets seats for two occupants. Powering this electric quadricycle is a 13 bhp electric motor. It has a top speed of 70 kmph. The entry-level variant has an ARAI-claimed battery range of 120 kilometres. The higher variants offer a range of 160 km and 200 km and are priced at Rs  6.79 lakh and Rs. 7.79 lakh, respectively. The PMV Eas-E also gets a 15A charger, making it easier for the users to charge it anywhere. The charging time stands at 3-4 hours for all trims.