Islamabad, Feb 08: After pardoning its top nuclear scientist for selling weapons technology, Pakistan rejected Saturday a call by India for international debate on its proliferation scandal, saying it was an "internal matter". Abdul Qadeer Khan, the founder of the Pakistan's nuclear programme, was forgiven by President Gen. Pervez Musharraf Thursday for spreading nuclear secrets to Iran, Libya and North Korea through an international black market.

"The investigations in Pakistan are an internal matter," Pakistani Foreign Ministry spokesman Masood Khan responded in a statement. "The buck stops here in Pakistan. The matter won't be debated elsewhere."
"Pakistan is already cooperating with IAEA," the spokesman said, referring to the UN atomic watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, whose information about Pakistani technology found in Iran and Libya prompted the investigation of Khan and colleagues at a top Pakistani nuclear facility.
Khan is suspected to have made millions from selling nuclear hardware and designs.
Bureau Report