Rome, May 14: The Italian press today saluted the victory of Italian-born Sonia Gandhi and her Congress Party in the Indian elections. "Italian Sonia Gandhi triumphs," trumpeted Italy`s leading daily Corriere Della Sera in a front-page headline.

"Sonia Gandhi: an Italian triumphs in India," echoed the headline in the leftist La Repubblica.

Born on December 9, 1946 into the family of a middle-class building contractor, Gandhi was born Sonia Maino and grew up in Orbassano, located in the shadow of Italy`s northern giant Turin.

But she left her Italian home town far behind when she married Rajiv Gandhi, scion of India`s political first family in February 1968. She acquired Indian nationality in 1984 and her husband was assassinated in 1991.

"Against all expectations, there is now little doubt that the Italian from Orbassano will become India`s next prime minister," said La Repubblica.

Congress` unexpected defeat of Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee`s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was seen by observers as an angry backlash by poor voters who felt ignored by a government whose focus was seen to be on the wealthier urban classes.

La Stampa picked up on that theme, saying Sonia has "taken the place of Indira Gandhi in the hearts of the deprived masses."

India`s "economic miracle didn`t save Vajpayee," noted the daily.

Bureau Report