Melbourne, Mar 04: Juan Pablo Montoya stalked out of a pre-Australian Grand Prix news conference. Juan Pablo Montoya stalked out of a pre-Australian Grand Prix news conference on Wednesday (March 3) after it was hijacked by a satirical television sports show. The fiery Formula One driver, a title favourite for BMW-powered Williams in the championship starting on Sunday, was not amused by the intervention by 'reporters' from the Channel Seven programme. Bemused by one tongue-twisting question and another nonsensical one, the Williams driver sat open-mouthed as the same interrogator then stood up to answer a mobile phone call in a stage whisper.
When a second then stood up to answer his telephone in identical fashion after the first had left the room, the Williams driver's patience ran out.

"Either he stops or I walk off," Montoya warned.

The threat became real when the 'reporter' continued talking, asking the driver as a parting shot whether he might be free to play a round of golf with his mother.

Bureau Report