Army Chief Gen S Padmanabhan on Friday said that although there is a ''certain amount of tension in the air,'' the people should not get deflected from their normal tasks.
''We are passing though critical days and there is a certain amount of tension in the air. But we must address ourselves to our tasks and should not get deflected by this temporary change in the atmosphere,'' Gen Padmanabhan said while addressing the NCC cadets who will be participating in the Republic Day parade.
Director General (DG) Lt Gen B K Bopanna told reporters later that the political tension would not make any difference to this year's parade and the country's borders were being ''taken care of very well.''
Lt Gen Bopanna said that as many as 1800 NCC cadets from across the country and 48 cadets from five ''friendly countries'' participated in the Republic Day camp in New Delhi. Bureau Report