New Delhi, Jan 15: In a significant development, the Centre and the industry have joined hands to evolve a charter for corporate responsibility for environmental protection which will facilitate voluntary compliance of pollution norms. Ministry of environment and forests recently concluded discussions with the representatives of 17 major polluting sectors of the industry and the charter will be finalised in the presence of senior MOEF and Central Pollution Control Board officials at a national seminar to be held in Mumbai on January 28, an official release said here today.
While the regulatory framework for pollution control based on the traditional command and control mechanisms have sensitised the industry to the need for pollution control, CREP will facilitate voluntary action by the industry as per the agreed plans of action, the release said.
The charter will bring in the dimension of conscience to the pollution control efforts besides charting out specific time frames for the industry to act accordingly.
CREP signifies participatory role of the industry in achieving environmental objectives while reflecting government's commitment to conserve and protect the environment along with facilitating industrial and economic growth in a harmonious manner, T R Baalu, Union minister for environment and forests was quoted as saying by the release.
Thermal power plants, fertilizer, pesticides, iron and steel, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, refineries, distilleries, sugar, dye and dye intermediates, pulp and paper cement, zinc, copper, aluminium and caustic soda are among the major polluting industries which will be parties to CREP, it added. Bureau Report