Vadodara, Sept 28: Union Minister for Rural Development Kashiram Rana has sought the intervention of External Affairs Minister Yashwant Sinha to ensure release of 74 Indian fishermen languishing in Pakistani jails. Expressing serious concern over delay in the departure of the 74 fishermen from Pakistan, Rana took up the issue with Sinha who assured him that prompt steps would be taken to secure their release, Rana said here today.
Pakistani authorities had earlier said the fishermen, who were detained for allegedly fishing illegally in Pakistan waters, would be released on September 24 along with their 23 boats. A delegation of Pakistani fishermen, now at Okha port in Gujarat to secure release of 93 of their colleagues held in the state's jails for illegal fishing, got in touch with the interior ministry of Pakistan and Marine Security Agency to ascertain the reasons behind delay in departure of the 74 Indian fishermen.
According to Mohammed Gazarfarali Boota, a member of the Pakistani delegation, the required legal formalities were yet to be completed and the Indian fishermen would depart from Pakistan before the end of this month. Bureau Report