London, Nov 14: Some 52,000 firefighters were called to walk out, after their union rejected an 11 per cent pay rise offer and demanded an immediate 40 per cent increase, late yesterday. Prime Minister Tony Blair earlier told Parliament: "There is no government on earth that could yield to such a pay claim."
If ministers gave in, it would make it impossible to resist similar claims from nurses, teachers and the police, and would endanger economic progress, Blair said. The 48-hour strike started at 6 pm (2330 IST), with eight-day walkouts promised on November 22, December 4 and December 16.

Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott attacked the industrial action as "unnecessary and unreasonable", adding that it "puts people and property at greater risk".

"Be reasonable, not unreasonable - suspend the strike," Prescott added. "I appeal to all firefighters - don`t walk, talk." But firefighters were unmoved.

"We had hoped we wouldn`t get to this stage," a senior officer at London`s Central Soho Fire Station - the busiest in Europe -- told AFP.

"Nobody here is militant. Nobody wants to strike. But our current wages 34,100 dollars/33,800 Euros are a disgrace in this day and age," he said.

Bureau Report

The 48-hour strike started at 6 pm (2330 IST), with eight-day walkouts promised on November 22, December 4 and December 16.

Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott attacked the industrial action as "unnecessary and unreasonable", adding that it "puts people and property at greater risk".

"Be reasonable, not unreasonable - suspend the strike," Prescott added. "I appeal to all firefighters - don`t walk, talk." But firefighters were unmoved.

"We had hoped we wouldn`t get to this stage," a senior officer at London`s Central Soho Fire Station - the busiest in Europe -- told AFP.

"Nobody here is militant. Nobody wants to strike. But our current wages 34,100 dollars/33,800 Euros are a disgrace in this day and age," he said.

Bureau Report