Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Mar 05: The government and foreign military forces gained a grip on chaotic Haiti as US And French troops stepped up patrols and armed rebels who helped oust the President prepared to leave the capital. US troop carriers and humvees mounted with machine guns and missile launchers rumbled through the streets and stood watch at government ministries. French troops patrolled in jeeps.
The international force fanned out from the capital for the first time, to assess security and meet with local government officials, including going to cap Haitien and to Gonaives, the north-western city where the rebellion erupted on Feb 05.
American Airlines said it had decided to hold off resuming its service to Haiti for a few more days, to March 09, instead of the planned March 05. The US carrier suspended service on Feb 26 because of the unrest in the country.
Banks reopened after two weeks of gunbattles, looting and barricades forced president Jean-Bertrand Aristide into exile. The government says a month-long rebel uprising cost Haiti about 300 million dollar, roughly equivalent to its yearly budget.
But many city slums, strongholds of feared pro-Aristide supporters known as Chimeres who are armed with automatic weapons and machetes, were still too dangerous to enter. Many feared reprisals and there were reports of some lynchings of Aristide supporters.
Local radio reported at least three people were killed in one shantytown, la saline, in a gunfight as police and rebels searched for Aristide supporters.
Bureau Report