Seoul, Sept 29: South Korean microchip giant Samsung Electronics today unveiled an array of new memory technologies designed to leverage its industry leadership globally.
Samsung's new technologies include the world's first 70-nanometer, four-gigabit (GB) NAND flash memory and an 80-nanometer dynamic random access memory (DRAM) device.
The world's largest DRAM maker said it has developed a single chip memory solution, called fusion memory, which takes the multi-chip package and system-in-package concepts a step further to deliver a single design combining memory and logic. "Stand-alone memory components are facing tough new demands from digital convergence in mobile and digital consumer markets and Samsung’s advanced memory solutions will play a key role in enabling new generations of digital products," said Samsung’s memory division head Chang Gyu-Hwang.
Samsung said its ground-breaking 4-GB NAND flash is the fourth generation of NAND flash memory. At new higher density levels, nonvolatile memory is now a viable choice for solid-state data storage, replacing magnetic tapes and low-density hard disk drives, it said.
NAND flash will target mobile applications, such as notebook PCs, tablet PCs, mobile handsets, MP3 players and PDAs, it said. Bureau Report